
Forgotten - 2024
12 minute, three screen projection
A world in which is obsessed with efficiency and productivity, can be a struggle for some people to live in, and can be quite overwhelming at times, which induces a lot of anxiety and fear. My film looks to overcome these feelings and focus upon personal growth and accepting who you are.

The Speed Of Life - 2023
2 minute 44 second, double screen projection
Life has become rushed, too fast for our own good and now the world is unable to slow down. Constantly innovating and rapidly improving technology as well as travel. I attempted to honour this fear through my films, focusing upon being alone, as well as the anxiety and overwhelming state of mind this fear is able to put you through.

Bouncing Moon - 2023
3 minute 57 second projection
While filming the Speed of Life I found the moon really intriguing as if it was guiding the way, and due to the speed of the coach and the use of a handheld camcorder I wasn't able to get a steady shot of the moon, so by speeding up the clip, and flipping the shits, I made it seem as if it was bouncing.

Turbulent Thoughts - 2023
6 minute 14 second projection
Fear has been an integral part within my films, and it mainly started with this film, where I made it seem like someone became trapped within the woods and were running away from nothing but their mind as it played tricks on them, which I created by layering sounds together, as well as using the wind and the noises of nature in order to overwhelm.

Turbulent Thoughts Book - 2023
In order to challenge the viewing of a film, I decided to create a flipbook so my film Turbulent Thoughts could be experienced in a different way. This also taps into memory given I couldn't add every single frame which gave the book a slightly jumpy quality, as if the memory was hazy.

The Trail - 2022
Collaboration Installation and Projection
Through making the trees, gathering and suspending leaves, as well as filming and projecting a particular area in the forest, we were able to create our own world, bringing the outside in, to create an immersive space where people were able to feel one with nature.

The Island - 2022
Collaboration Installation
A 3D miniature terrain based upon an island with different habitats and biomes, highlighting environmental effects and exploring nature and ecology further. For our install itself we chose a smaller room to immediately draw in the viewer, and created an immersive atmosphere by using various peaceful sounds linking to our piece, as well as projecting a time-lapse footage of the creation of our island.

My Wall - 2022
I originally intended for my wall to be personal to me and convey the things that I really enjoy and what have influenced me directly as a person. Due to living relatively near to the sea, I have recently got into rock jumping and have always been fascinated with the colours created in sunsets.